Friday, 23 December 2016

I once had a dream too

You see me collecting all sort of empty containers plastic bottles, beer bottles ,beer cans, soft drinks and all.
Sometimes I go to peoples houses to collect them, which can be quite embarrassing for an old woman like me. I once had a dream too

I see how you look at me, not even willing to look twice in my direction, I am not worth a second of your previous time. You are not interested to know how i am doing today, did I have anything to eat, where do I stay? You just want me out of your face the soonest.

As a little girl, I once had a dream too. I saw myself getting my education, meeting my knight in the shining armor and getting married, owning a house, children, and being happy like most people.
I may have made wrong choices as a young girl. I came to a stage where I knew it all, I knew how to fool my parent in every special way just to satisfy the selfish me. I got involved in toxic friendships, sex and alcohol abuse.
Funny how we always think it gonna be somebody else, not me.
Unfortunately amongst my friends I was the one who got hooked, pregnant, ran away from home, stayed from place to place, half the time had to pay my way through sex.

I saw myself as too old to go back to school, beside the three children with different fathers, I could not keep a relationship or a job. I always saw myself as better than any of my partners, forgetting that time was passing me by. It was more like I was doing them a favour when dating them. I never saw any fault in me, never kept my mouth quiet and that got me a lot of beatings, hence all these scars on my face and body.

Now I'm + - 50 years of age, if the youth is so challenged with employment, what about me? My children are following on my footsteps as this is the only life they know, a life of shouting, swearing, calling each other names, father after father situation, always on the run from abusive drunk partners who sometime have tried sleeping with my girls. Now the girls, also like me have chosen their way, I only see them when they have blue eyes or broken arm from their boy friends. As soon as the heal and get better, they go back to them.

I gave my life away thinking I was beautiful, happening or something to die for. I did not treat life the way I wanted it to treat me back. I never took anybodies advice, most of the time I would act like I was listening when I knew in my heart that I was going to do my own thing, contrary to the advise of my parents. I have been stabbed, beaten and left to die but God said no with my life.

Today I collect cans and bottles for a living, I have accepted the outcome of the life that I chose 35 years ago. Today I see these young girls who think they are happening, they remind me of myself as a teen/ young adult, I can tell who is going to make it in their group and who is going end up as a statistic like me. They see me as well, they give me some of their empty alcohol cans, I say"thank you" and they say with an attitude" no sweat mama, come later there will be more"

I would like to come and help out, but I am not trained to speak to this generation of celebrity icons and social media. They absolutly think I was born like this. I was more beautiful than many of them. I so wish I can have an audience with them and warn them about the freeway they are taking, it has toll gates throughout, where you pay different prices and who ever pays for you, owns you. I once had a dream too, but it's not where I am today.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Belatedly overdue

It does not mean forgotten, left behind, unimportant, does not mean unwanted

For some reason you started school late, because you had to look after cows, plant the field and get water from the river before the animals get there first,  because no one believed that you really needed school, or simply because you are a girl after all.

You got to finish school late, because you dropped out so many times to take care off things at home, things that children should not be responsible for, including having to work to put food on the table. They made you stay at home anytime they needed someone there, to look after granny, to go with her on pension days and hospital checkups

Now that you managed to finish school, even though you had to be in class with children 10years younger than you.
Due to lack of experience and proper skill, or gender discrimination you could not get a good job early enough. Your age group has long been working, some even got married, bought cars and houses.
You are a perfect example of what not to do as a human being if you want to be successful.

I once had these sayings
" Better late than never"
" Good things comes to those who wait"
" Isina muva liyabukwa"
(The one who dances last, dances the best)

Romans 8
28 And we know that in all things God(Elohim) works for the good of those who love the him, who have been called according to his purpose.

You have ,finally made it against all odds.
You may be amongst the last to cross the finish line or get a job from your peers, family and friends.
Funny how a lot of them have nothing to show for all the years of their hard work.
Your peers married long before you, and you had to learn from the challenges they went through.
You may be the one getting retrenched all the time you get a good job, but you have this bounce back spirit that no one can understand and explain.

Ecclesiastes 9
11. I have seen something else under the sun:
The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all.

When your finishing is strong, the humble and tough beginnings do not count anymore.

Isaiah 43
18 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
19. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Bring up a child

Proverbs 22
6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

It's a God given duty for every parent/ guardian to train, educate, bring up a child in the ways of the Lord, in a way that even when they are off age they should continue in that discipline and guidance.
Parents does not have children, we are just legal guardians trusted by God to do the right thing and meet God's expectations.
Hence Jesus(Yeshua) taught us all to pray and say" Our father" none of us pray and say" Our father's father" even as children when we pray.

When a parent is not or did not get a good training him/ herself, how can he/ she gives good guidance?
As parents we need to invest in ourselves in Godly education so that we can give sober and nutritious wisdom to our children. Joshua1:8,9.
They might hate you for the truth, but they will love and cherish you well their eyes get opened.
They did not vote you in as their parent, and don't need their buy inn to be their parent.
Democratic parenting has brought nothing but chaos, it's time we go back to our roles as parents.

Children are not guaranteed to turn out good all the time, but our words becomes a permanent reflection in their lives for ever. One will always battle with a friends advise and suggestion or a parent's words of wisdom. Any choice you make as a child, you are solely responsible of the outcome and you have to live with it for the rest of your life, be it Good or Worse.
Knowing the right thing to do and yet choosing the opposite bring a life long condemnation and guilt to your life, it may lead to stress and anxiety, suicide.
Never miss an opportunity to speak life to your children life, you are empowering him/ her to make a sober decision everytime she/ he is between the devil and the deep sea.
My duty is to bring up, train, educate and guide, your duty is to learn.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

We are what we spend our time on

Focus on something good and you will reflect it's goodness. A lot of people are convinced that the sea water is blue, which is not true. The sky is big enough that what ever is in it, the sea waters reflect it.
When the weather is overcast they say the sea is angry, when it's just the reflection of the clouds.

What are we focusing ourselves on? mind you people can tell about you before we get a chance to speak for yourself.
Just like when they say "deep blue sea"
Like a reflection on a mirror, I can never see somebody else when it's only me standing before it.

When we spend our time focusing on the word of God, sooner or later we reflect him(Yah Weh)
When we spend time talking about the Gospel, we soon reflect Jesus(Yeshua). JOSHUA1:8,9

People who spend time focusing on their challenges, sometimes you dont have to ask them because it is written all over their faces.
I mean you dont have to ask some people if they take alcohol or not, they have become what they spend their money and time on. Matt6:21
Focus on your studies, you will reflect success and progress.
Focus on getting a job, you will always look like you are working already.
Focus on your business, for you will attract and close more deals.
Focus on your spouse and have a healthy happy marriage.

Even in my lack and need, I will always reflect hope, love, patience and peace because those are the qualities of God(Yah Weh)

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

The sun is always there

Once upon a time was an eaglet, she enjoyed the sun as it made her stronger and warm.
But time and again the sun will go away and rain, wind and storms will come.
She never enjoyed that period of time and complained to her mother, "why does God take the sun away and we are left in the cold"?
Her mother would just smile and say "you will understand one day when you can fly, the sun is always there".

After long weeks of falling from heights, training and learning how to fly the little bird noticed a storm building up and getting closer to their home, she even noticed other birds running for cover as usual.
She mother said, "come with me I wanna show you something wonderful about God".
The eaglet said "can't it wait until the storm is over mom"?
The mother answered "the fun will be gone by the time the storm is over"

They both took off to the sky, the rain had already started by that time, the wind was very strong and making it impossible for both of them to fly up, time and again the mother will be saying "you doing great my dear, lets take it a little higher again.
The higher they went, the colder it became and the wind was even stronger in the clouds, just when the eaglet felt like giving up, she saw a bright magnificent light and colours, the storm was no more above the clouds and there was peace and tranquility.

The mother said to the eaglet, "I told you the sun is always there, it never leaves nor matter how great the storm is, No storm will ever take the sun away. Above the clouds, is where you will always find the sun.

What has the Storms, Rains, and Winds of life done with your Sun, your peace, your assurance that God will never leave you nor forsake you.
Irrespective of what has happen in your life, you are destined for greatness, you just have to persevere a little more, trust the one who knows the place of comfort and brilliance a little more.

When you arrive where God is taking you, you will be so amazed and remember the persecutions no more.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Blacklisted & misrepresented

Scores of South Africans and many people around the world have suffered at the hand of job losses, restructuring, downsizing and right sizing.
These terms used sound so good, you might even volunteer to be part of them when they carry nothing but pain.
All this have resulted in unemployment and as if that was not enough, people got BLACKLISTED when they cant afford to service their agreements.
Blacklisting is an unfair solution that sides with business and disadvantage the citizens for life.
It limit you from making more credit, which is good however it also makes sure that you never get an opportunity to be employed again,
BIG QUESTION: how do I ever get out of debt if I'm unemployable?
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: How about I work for what I owe to clear my name, let the company that I owe hire me and work for my dept, now that is much better than sitting at home knowing that I'm unemployable and hopeless.
#departmentoflabour, #myanc, #government, #Cosatu, #absa, #fnb, #nedbank, #standardbank, #capitecbank, #africanbank, #wesbank, #mfc.
I believe that a law can be drawn around that to protect both the company and the candidate.
I for one being in the same boat with the masses of SA, I would gladly work to redeem my status and clear my name, I have nothing to lose, since I have no salary, the transport fee/ or stipend will be more than enough for as long as I know that after such and such time I will be free to rejoin tax contributors and SA economy and GDP builders.
Two wrongs does not make a right, we are killing our country more than we are helping and protecting it....

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

The invisible bright sight

When you are at the lowest of the lows, few people believes that there is still portential in you, even your spouse may doubt you.
People dismis your ideas and push theirs because if yours were working, how come you are where you are?
No one believes that you will rise above that situation one day.
If they did, they would invest in you, a simple phone call, a text msg, a visit. Some times suport is not money.
People never believe you untill you make it in life.
Only when you are making waves, then they wanna talk investmenting in you.
People expect you to pull yourself out of the pit before they provide help.
Many people have died trying to rise above their situation and those with help were watching as a movie.
We, as society have learned to be numb to the poverty and lack we see around us, until it has something in it for us.
People wait until there are television cameras for them to rescure the situation.
Most people are not sensitive and focused enough to see beyond a smile, fancy clothes, car, goodcompany of friends and capture a person for who he/ she really is, and what is happening in their space.
Many people have collapsed and hospitalised because their bodies could not be stronger than their strength anymore.
Heaviness is at the shoulders of many, yet few cares to ask beyond "Goodmorning and how are you?"
Be in the habit of buying and sharing food or coffee with the homeless, not just drop and go as usual.
Invite a brother, sister or a family for lunch and talk without putting the musk on.
Listen to peoples stories and never say anything about yours, let it be about them.
At our level we all can do something that will change the outlook of the next person, it's not about money.
The signs are visible yet we pretend that we can not see them.
We point to the #Government, #Redcross or #Giftofthegivers
Let me have sight beyond what I can see.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Not for too long

A year has four beautiful seasons, however our winter may seem to be the longest.
Too long in the cold,
Have to deal with ashes,
No sunshine,
Longest nights,
Have to deal with the woods,
but nobody makes fire with fresh woods, it takes a dead wood to warm-up the house.
It is a dry dead wood that is crafted to a wonderful piece of furniture.
Dead woods can bring the most needed warmth and looks in a home.

A tree provide shade from the sun, block a strong wind from damaging the structure and prevent soil erosion when it is still standing.
When it has been cut down, many things comes out of it, furniture, fire woods and maybe compost.

So are the dead situations in our lives, whatever you feel that is dead in you has a potential to elevate your life.
Nothing and no one is totally useless,
"Even a dead clock shows correct time twice a day"
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016


Women always get emotional and upset about men not being talked to enough just like they do to them.
Young girls complain that every meeting about self control is targeted at them.
The boys are always left to do as they  please and no one pays attention to them as they do to girls .
Your parents made mistakes, how stupid can you get to fall in the same trap?
Many women will tell you how difficult it was for them to get their qualifications after their families disowned them.They would talk about how difficult it is to raise a child on their own!

Everybody says she/ he is cute, and you are saying inside "cute does not have food, nappies, cosmetics and more"
When somebody buys you lunch, you wish they could give you that money because "cute" needs things you can not afford to provide.


Who gets pregnant?
Who gets to miss a year of school, postpone her graduation?
Who gets sleepless nights with a child,while a boy enjoys peaceful sleep with another girl?
Who gets her body disfigured?
Who gets to think about what the baby is going to eat?
Who makes sure that the baby's food is there always?
Who gets to send messages to the boy, trying to get him to come and see the child, not to mention bring the milk?
Guess who is going to get bitter as she loses friends with vision and wisdom?
Guess who is going to say, "they think they are better", when friends find other friends to hang out with?
Guess who is going to be heartbroken when the boy snaps and says " I never said get pregnant, you cramping my style telling people we have a baby?
NB: No boy has ever taken a break from school, varsity because his girlfriend was pregnant.
You suddenly have to change clothes you can't afford, for the sake of the baby you can't afford and the father who can not afford.
"Why is everybody/ my parents have to think of the worst case always, who said I was planning to get pregnant any way?"
That's how every girl thinks just before it happens, just before the boom that will change and transform your life explodes in your face.

Wiseup girls, women and sisters!
That temporary pleasure  brings long term commitment,a painful journey with an innocent child!
Look into your family, relatives, community and society  you live in and see if you really like what you see.
Make a choice with your mind and not the heart when it comes to longterm investments and journey.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

How do you see yourself?

People look at you as they see themselves, they want you to manage their expectations.
A person up there is wondering what is keeping you down there, a person down and under is working hard to prove that he is worth a chance as well.
A person under employer is wondering what keeping you from getting a job, are you lazy and not pushing yourself hard enough, or God is dealing with you because of the wrong or sin your life?
A successful business person is wonders how people fail in their business ventures because this is not rocket science.
Married people may wonder why others fail on their marriages and even judge you for failing to keep it together.
When last did you like and associated with a person for who he is and not what he or does not have?
Do you associate with a handsome poor young man or beautiful lady, provide good company, food, clothing and shelter so you may have sex at the end?

How do you see yourself?

Does  people's opinion about your life changes your belief system?
Do you feel demotivated after spending time with some people, while they may feel they have given you enough motivation for a day, to last you a lifetime?
Have you ever sat yourself down because you really don't understand why somebody feels, think and make it clear that he or she is in a better than you?
Is work, money, network, business, political standing, position in the society suppose to guide us how much we love and associate with people, or people are suppose to be attracted by those attributes to us?

I see myself as an unfinished work of God, uncut diamond, unpolished gold.
I see my life as a story of hope to many, a proof that prayer changes situations.
I am a written book not yet published.
I am a story of hope, your life will get better too, you will make it against all odds.
Trust God and believe in Jesus Christ.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

I'm not perfect and so are you

I've seen people making the worse mistakes of their lives, mistakes that leads to divorce.
They focus their energy on what is not working forgetting that there is so much that is going right in their love life.
Positive communications and praise brings the best in everyone, blame and degradation brings doubt and low self esteem in the best people ever to live.
I bet we still have an opportunity to waste or make the best out of it, only we can make that choice.
When I said I love you we did not have a house to fight about and if that does not bring peace, let there be no house.
I loved when there was no social media, and social media can leave us alone if it's not here to make our lives better.
I loved you  even more with your daughter, and you still loved me when I said I have kids from my past relationships and one day I would love us to be a one big happy family.
Let the children strengthen our relationship as we understand they are in our lives for a short while but we have each other forever.
Give me a hint, a clue on what I keep on  missing time and again so I can take a three year course at Harvard, Oxford or Wits to perfect it once and for all.
I will never be perfect and so are you.
If we could celebrate love living under the bridge, why allow a liking roof to destroy our marriage.
Help me in my weakness and I will celebrate you strength and success.

Monday, 4 July 2016

I'm still standing:

Truth is, God is good. I didn't pay much attention in my life as a youth and ended up doing many right things before their time which automatically put me in a disadvantage position, but his faithfulness and love rescued me.
People use you because of the good PR of your brand to enhance their image, brand association depends on how good is your brand reputation.
God uses you as a vessel, because what is important is how good God is than how good you are.
When God send you on an assignment, never look at yourself because you will find nothing worthy, but look at the opportunity of representing the kingdom of God.
Nando's on a take away is as nice as it is on a plate, the vessel is not important but the content.
As a vessel I'm always amazed just like you are when God use me in a public platform. It's not about me, it's about God and his kingdom.
Proverbs3:5 trust is the Lord and lean not on your own understanding......

Friday, 1 July 2016

God is not pleased with your thoughts and words

I don't like white people who uses the word of God to oppress black people, I hate it.
Every white person who still feels that in 2016, biblical or by any standard we are not equal, has a right to leave this country of black people and go where that is practised.
It is not practical to segregate, divide and rule South Africa, we are far better than that.
Talking from the pulpit about black people and tarnishing their image is not different from the people who have expressed themselves about black people on social media.
Black people are not lazy!!
Every brick that built Johannesburg, Durban, Capetown, Bloemfontein and many towns is South Africa was build by the hand of a black man, and we had to have permission to be in those cities after building them.
Every rail you see in our country was laid by the hands of a black man.
Every field you see, a black man busy it and it produces the GDP of this country.
Every sugar cane across our country was planted and it is still maintained and cut down by a black man.
We have build every school and university and our fathers were not even allowed entry in those institutions.
They are little foxes that is spoiling our vines and they comes from the angles that we have never expected because of trust.
Is it still true that eve men was made at the image and likeness of God?

Thursday, 30 June 2016

A day well spent

A day well spent motivating students from various High Schools #Geluksdalhigh#Urekahigh. 1 Thank Mrs Peterson on the pic. 2Mr Peterson the Principal of Geluksdal Hihg School. My daughter Sbusisiwe Mthethwa on the gray hood sweater.3 All the students for lending me an ear.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

How great is our God

Nor matter how expensive your dress/ suit is, nor matter how many coats you put on, you will always be naked in the eyes of a person you have slept with, including all those he/ she has told about your secret rumble in the jungle

Other people see Gucci, Armani, Hugo, Tlale, buttons and he/ she see muscles, curves, shades, tattoos, body scars, that walk of shame, courageous face, I shouldn't have been the victim after all I know laughter, how could I be so foolish look, you will never see this again attitude, close the door on your way out smile, how does the hunter becomes the hunted walk, so whats next glance, I'm not interested face, I'm stupid sigh.

Sin makes you smart before you commit it and show you how stupid you are after you have committed it.
Where would we be without the Grace Of God.
"what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them"? Psalm8:4
The evil one lost the battle at Calvary.
 "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more". Isaiah43:25

Monday, 20 June 2016

Life does not need us we need it

Life is not hard, but it wants you to be counted amongst those credited for cracking its code. If life was easy you wouldn't be counted smart or intelligent. Life want those who dares to begin and it will also start unfolding the best for you.
You think life is hard when you inside, paying salaries and taking risks, try it from the out side where you earn a salary and it's never enough, bills on the phone chasing you and stress is ready to well come you.
With God things can happen at his command, but then you will be invisible, null and void.
Today we are able to say you build London bridge, designed Sandton Mall(JHB) or stature of liberty(NY)
Life is not hard, it's just want to credit you with a marit.....

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

This means WAR

I've been hurting and I'm still hurting and bleeding inside. The world we live in wants me to give up on you and hand you over to the government. Unfortunately you are my child and I am your parent, we can't and can never give up on each other.
Drugs have taken over you, alcohol keeps you warm and cigarette keeps you thinking. I have to hide things in the house, I can't leave money laying around like I did when you were 5yrs of age.
You have become our own Gumtree, sometimes OLX or letgo. You rob your own home like a thief and bite the hand that feeds you, to support and feed this demon inside of you.
Well!!!, I guess "This means WAR"
I am not going or about to give up on you, as this is the time you need me even more than before.
I have rolled my sleeves to work with you and show you the way to the right direction.
Life is complicated and we are all doing our best.
I will fight side by side with you, and even fight with you sometimes just to bring the point across to your sanity.
Indeed!! I guess "This means WAR"
I want you to dream without the help of a substance.
I want you to have positive vision of your life and do something to get there.
I am your present visible help that God has made available for you.
The world makes you think I'm your no1 enemy and I want to control your life.
It is double selfish to indulge yourself and abuse cheap/ expensive drugs and alcohol, because had I your parent chose the same selfish way, you wouldn't be here or be born.
My little girl, man are sexual being and that's all they want from you.
You dress to kill just to impress a blesser, where did my little girl go?
you sleep through out the day only to be nocturnal. Well I guess "This means WAR"
This is a good fight I am prepared to fight as I don't want to fail on the assignment God trusted me with, to bring you up and show you direction.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Hard work will beat talent if talent does not work hard

I'm talented but I choose to work hard, for hard work never killed anyone. People are always attracted to talent because it's a natural ability, but a person who work hard will always have more than a person relying on talent only . Hard work build endurance and stamina, it has memories that money can not buy, it teaches you to value the work of your hands.
Talent make you shine as an Ace, it puts you on a pedestal and be a people pleaser Jabu (Shuffle) Mahlangu, Scara Ngobese.
Success is 99% perspiration,  meaning even if you are talented,  you still need to work hard. Lionel Messie trains 5/6 days a week,  yet he is one of the greatest talents ever.  Ronaldo has a mini soccer field at his back yard where he continues to practise his free kicks and all,  once again he is talented. Do not let people's applause fool you,  keep on working hard for your goals.
Friends will keep you occupied during the day when they never sleep at night to make sure they are above you. Nobody wants to be second after you,  hence they make you think they not working,  so you can also relax while they cook your killer punch on the diaphragm, that will make you stop breathing for minute.

Hard work will beat talent if talent does not work hard "Zig Ziglar"
qbmthethwa2. blogspot. co. za

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Rock Bottom

It's where the devil talks more about you and how you should get comfortable where you are, in that dark cell.
It is also where God is quietly in action, his hand pulling you out and leading you to the light where you belong.
God spoke light to be in Genesis1 and it was, when the devil was not even born, so if he is the prince of darkness, that means he was defeated before he was conceived,  how sad.
When you slip from the hand of God, it's a reminder that you not in charge or independent.
By slipping I mean only front wheels beyond white line and not crossing on red light, that's fatal.
By slipping I mean knocking the rubber pole with your pumper and not writing the car off the cliff.
Life, business, career, spouse, children, peers will always challenge the ground you standing on.
Rock bottom is a snippet of where the enemy wants you to spend the rest of your life, but God has a better place for you because you are not your own.
Have you notice how the sight of a bed at the furniture store or somebodies home reminds you of your own bed, and suddenly wish you were home so you can kick of your shoes and relax? Amazingly you don't jump to it because you know yours awaits at home, where you not limited by operating hours or duration of visitation.

Monday, 9 May 2016

A Tow Truck

When a bus is stuck on the sand, it can never pull itself out. Every time the driver try to drive out, it sinks even more. Some may try to put rocks and bricks on it's wheels, only to see them break and sink in the sand too. The rocks will buy you time that can not be recovered, they raise false hope of success.
It is in a situation like that where you need a tow truck.
A tow truck knows that it has to keep a distance from the place where the bus is stucked. It only need to connect the towing cable.
The tow truck has more power than the bus that it is pulling out.
The tow truck has to be standing on a solid ground.

That's what Jesus did in our lives, he come as a tow truck. He tow us from situations that he never led us into. He understand each and every time we try to help ourselves, we get deeper and deeper in our unpleasant situations. Jesus is always standing on a firm foundation, the word of God. He is the rock the builders rejected. Any house that is built on the rock has a stable foundation and structure.
Without Jesus we would still be stuck in our sins and bad habits...

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Old road

Old road never leads to new places, let me say it louder; OLD ROADS NEVER LEADS TO NEW PLACES.
It leads to buildings you don't wanna see, bus stops you don't want to stop at again, windows you would not climb any more, veranda/ porch you don't want to seat on anymore, houses you don't want to be invited in anymore.

Old road leads to your old friends with your history. The first thing they greet you with is " Do you remember when you got drunk and roll the car, do you remember when you were dating so and so, remember when you stole candy from that shop"? some past you are not interested in.

They don't know your latest improvements in your new life and venture that are moving you forward.
Old roads leads the pain and confusion of being young and restless, which in most occasion was purely not wise.
When you wanted to be free but you could not afford it, you wanted to fly but your wings were still being developed, where you wanted and demanded your space in somebody Else's house and you did not even have your own key.
Old roads leads to old habits that can destroy what you have work hard for, don't allow anyone to praise you based on your youthful stupid behaviours.

New roads leads to new interesting places, new friend who believe and support your vision, new and different possibilities, a different game plan and paradigm shift.
New roads have no history, only the present and the future.

Not everything is bad about old roads, there are priceless memories to treasure, the problem is no one cares to remember them.
Remember one thing, a new road for you, can be an old road for me.
Let me guide and care for you....

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

My Pillow

Hush my pillow, don't say a word.
Pity I can't lie to you, you are too smart for me.
You know my joy full moments, confused moments and my sad moments.
You the second person after the trinity who knows my unspoken joy or pain.
I can successfully avoid everyone but you, as I have to retire and lean on your comfort.
When I bought you, I never knew that I will have to trust you with everything.
Let me say I never planned to confine in you, but you have a way reading my emotions and just comfort me in silent.

How I wish that people close to me can comfort me like you do without judging and lecturing me.
My pillow you are the best at what you do.
You absorb my tears as if nothing happened.
I have tried telling people my shortcomings and the next day I was on the front page of the tabloid.
Amazingly even the pillow cases are confused why I keep on changing them and not you.
They thought they were the best because of the complements they sometimes get.
I'm glad I came to know you my pillow.
I'm glad I can trust you.
Thank you for comforting me when I need it most.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Yesterday is gone:

I was sick yesterday,
I was unemployed yesterday,
I was angry yesterday,
I was a nobody yesterday,
I was alone yesterday,
Yesterday is gone and it will never come again.
I was not loved and liked yesterday,
I was a sinner yesterday,
I was bankrupt yesterday,
I was homeless yesterday,
I was weak yesterday,
Yesterday is history that I can never rewrite.
I was high yesterday,
I was a drunkard yesterday,
I was an abuser yesterday,
I was reckless yesterday,
I was abused yesterday,
Yesterday was my dark cloud and today is my blue sky.
I was confused yesterday,
I was poor yesterday,
I was guilty yesterday,
I was unproductive yesterday,
I was selfish yesterday.
Yesterday lost his battle to today, because today I'm a new man.
Yesterday was when it all went down for the last time.
Yesterday I found myself at the cross roads of the Cross.
Yesterday Christ payed the price on the Cross.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Child of the most high God:
Have a blessed day and a holy week ahead of you. I pray for God's unmerited favour called Grace upon you now,  this week you will receive from God what the world work hard for because of the Grace of God by Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Be kind to someone, invite a person or a friend for lunch, check for clothes you are not using and bless someone less fortunate. Buy somebody new clothes and meet their needs. Buy some some groceries, so then have food like the rest of us. Take someone out for lunch, have a family lunch and bring some small gifts.
Tell a person you meet on the street that Jesus loves him/ her.
Take advantage of this week and Spread love and forgiveness.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Parent like you are parenting Royalty

Your child will be somebodies neighbour one day
Your child will be a contributing member of the community one day.
Your child will be somebodies employer or employee one day.
Your child will be somebodies wife or husband one day.
Your child will be somebodies father, mother, aunt or uncle one day.

All the characters that your child is likely to become have a very heavy responsibility on them.
Are you creating a leader with character, ethics and endurance then as a parent.
Will we count on him or her when we talk about community parenting?
Can it be that with this catastrophic society, your parenting skills are to blame, or at question?
You not only spoiling that child for yourself, one day the brat will be out of the house and find that there is no room for him or her out there.
Should the world start fixing what you prepared in secret?
The streets are not as forgiving as your home boundaries.
You can not spoil a child in the name of "I grow up without this and I want my child to have it"
Material things does not show love or build a bond, they are a reward for being well disciplined and being a good  child, not so that your child can keep quiet.
I have seen children when they cry they are given a cell phone, not a dummy phone, the S5.
*Warning; that is just a start of a powerful Venomous, destructive relationship. Soon you will be saying he or she never listen to me, because when you were suppose to be talking to a child, you gave him or her a phone, now she/ he is old and the phone does not appeal anymore.

Proverbs23:13 "Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.
14 Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death.

Those are the children with a (No Entry) sign at their room door, in your own house. Uyandina(you are annoying) living in your house as if you are afraid of loosing votes, you are a parent for God's sake, you were never voted in that seat.
The excuse can not be in single parenting all the time, my mother raised 3boys and 4girls single handed when my father was in the big city working and we saw him once a month.
Those were the bad times of the 80's and 90's, with political unrest and all. Many other woman and man went through single parenting and made it.
Money, TV and expensive clothes can never substitute your sound teaching, voice and authority.
Stop parenting like they do next door, you are not Ed gars Active and Sport Scene, you are neighbours. You children's are not walking displays.
Stop parenting the way your child wants you to parent them and do the right thing.

Proverbs22:6 "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it"

I really have nothing against brands for children, however you know as a parent when things are out of your hand, when you do it to keep peace in the house, when you do it so that I wont leave school, when you do it because my friends also has them. Soon it will be this one is out of fashion or I saw another kid from another school has it, I don't want it anymore.

There is no proper age for children to be taught, the earlier the better, at age 6/7 you may be late if you say you waiting for them to understand. It's not a matter of understanding but growing up with it.

QB Mthethwa

Monday, 14 March 2016

Are you a Child or a curse?

I really don't understand when does parents and children swap roles. You can not afford to be a child and a man or woman in the same person and depend on me. If you are still a child and depending on your parent, choices are limited and sometimes they don't exist at all.
If you feel that now you are a man or a woman, you DATING, you SMOKE, you DRINK ALCOHOL, then it's time to move out, get your own place, pay your own rent, invite us to come over for a braai and congratulate you on your big achievement.
Everybody under your roof should be going to church with you, I don't understand parents living children behind on Sunday.
You may not remember, but there was a time when you could not do a thing for yourself, and depended fully on your parents to carry you, feed you, bath you, wipe your behind, even sleepless nights when you came down with fever, took you by hand to school. Today you claim that nothing was done for you, now that is triple stupid.
Do you really think play station, sleep overs, branded clothes determine the level of love?
Proverbs17:21 "To have a fool for a son brings grief; there is no joy for a father of a fool". Same applies to daughters.
The celebrities you hang on our walls and put as profiles on the phone that we bought as parents and we still continue buying bundles and airtime for it, and never get to be on the profile pic.
Those celebs respect and love their parents, they sing about "buy my mom a house", and appreciating them.
2Pac "Dear Mama" Shaquil O'Neil "Phil is my father"  Casper "Mama I made it".
You aspire to be like them but you don't respect your parents, forget about it. You never clean your own room, you don't cook yet you always hungry, you ask for airtime and never call to say what time you coming back.
You are biting the hand that feeds you.
Exodus 20:12 "Honour your father and your mother, SO THAT YOU MAY LIVE LONG IN THE LAND THE LORD YOUR GOD IS GIVING YOU".
Stop cutting your life, your career, talent, education short. You are not successful because you don't know if you are a boy or a man, a girl or a woman.
Where do you get audacity to exchange words with your parents, what do you know about step mother or step father. The fact that she is your mother or your father's choice means she or he is your parent, and you have to treat them with respect for making sure that your butt is covered and your tummy is full, you have roof over your head and transport for school, shoes on your feet.
Your big mouth is your biggest downfall and also your stumbling block. You are likely not to succeed pass the achievements of your parents, if you lucky because of being ungrateful for what they bend over backwards for, to make sure that you are not that much different from other children.
The most fortunate thing is that you still have your parents and you can still make right with them. Humble yourself and apologise, naming everything one by one, don't just say I'm sorry for all, you need to make them understand what are you sorry for.
Your single parent needs to know that he/ she can depend on you someday, the fact that they are single means they have been through a lot already, and now the person who is suppose to be their consolation is also adding to their long list of hurts, you can do better than that.
Own up, grow up and be responsible...
QB Mthethwa.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Africa (Izwe Lethu)

*You are more than enough, you are the jewel of the world.
Everybody want a piece of you, they don't get tired of extracting your minerals in the name of a signature on the dotted line.
Everybody wants a one sided relationship with you, where you give and they take, never to give back to you.
Your children lack bread while theirs play with it as children play pillow fight.
Even when they know in their heart that there is no balance or justice in what they do, they still point at the document.
Their conscience is dead when they are alive and walking among us.
*The devil in them can not set them free, he has sunk his nails in their flesh, even when they feel like letting go they are held back by their greedily souls and hunger for power.
*Africa you are rich in minerals resources and culture, yet you have the poorest of the poor.
*Children in Europe will never know what is it like to look for a job as their generations continue to benefit from trusts setup by the blood and sweat of our mother land.
Who am I to know and say all this, when those who knows the truth have been silenced by a fat cheque in exchange of their soul, that is from the devil too.
*I am the son of the soil, a patriot and a voice in darkness, darkness in day light, darkness created by those who harvest where they never planted.
A Nguni by descendant of king Dingiswayo Mthethwa, Nyambose, a Zulu by king Shaka Zulu, the brave and fearless warriors of old.
*Anginavalo, angesabi a man can only kill flesh as they have done before but the spirit of God lives on and the innocent blood cries out screaming #FreeAfrica.
*The Gold, Diamond and Coal in South Africa. Natural gas in Mozambique, oil in Nigeria & Libya, copper belt in Zambia, Diamonds in Angola, cement in Zimbabwe to mention but the few.
*America is now dumping their unwanted, 3rd grade chicken in South Africa,  with their noses breathing threats if agreement is no reached, killing our own #Rainbowchicken, farmhouse, Goldie and many other small enterprises.
*America worship money than God, only in their currency God is visible.
*They took God out of their schools and we, blind, ignorant South Africans follow suit, our schools don't pray anymore, now our government is trying to regulate churches and make them pay tax, they are afraid of traditional healers/ black magic, its all satanic in different form, size and shape.
*China and Asia has brought more than enough finish product in South Africa and building China malls every where, killing our textile industries all over South Africa. Local factories and manufacturing industries have since closed doors, leaving scores of unemployed bread winners, cars and homes reclaimed by the banks and personal loans unsettled
If they want equal relationship, they must not bring finished product but rebuild factories locally and employ locals, now that is empowerment.
*BRICS is not even close to addressing these matters, its all just a fancy, handsome abusive husband who beat you at night and give you a medical aid card in the morning, I hope we have a good funeral policy.
*In all honesty, we don't need the resources of the world/west but the world need us Africa.
*They have build the economy to favour themselves, even in the worse case scenario of a fallen dollar, the strongest Rand, Pula or Naire can never be a match, how much more on a pound?
We need a commonwealth for Africa.
Lets trade among our selves.
Lets use one currency for Africa.
Teach indigenous language and keep one medium of instruction.
My prayer goes to Israel and peace for Jerusalem, the land of the promise, Genesis12:2,3. Hosea11.
QB Mthethwa

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Out of wedlock:1

I do not wish for anyone to have a child out of wedlock because it never end well, and marks the beginning of a long challenging life for many, with high impact on the child.
I have been there and no one should experience that.
Every child deserves a stable, warm and a loving home. The challenge start when you stoped playing games and you finally found yourself someone to spend your life with, but you don't know how are they gonna treat your child, or how your child is gonna react to them.
Children from previous relationships suffer internal bleeding.
Other people don't like kids, not because they hate them, but would rather cook or clean than entertain kids. A child can sense tension about him or her in the house, then silly mistakes start happening because he or she is not free, glasses start to break, dishes not washed properly, any Innocent look from a child raises concern.
The child just gets totally clumsy and that, becomes a point of departure, "I'm good for nothing" that's what goes on their mind.
A child is like a blank diary that we as parents write on everyday, crafting and preparing them for the future. Our positive words of wisdom and warm gestures will serve as a guide in their life of choice.
My question is, what guide will negative words and emotional abuse be to a child?.
Many seniors parents today boast more about their adopted children than their own biological children, they get frequent visits, more money, love and care from these children.
Many parents make a mistake of treat children as per their colleague's experience, not knowing that person's method of parenting.....TBC
QB Mthethwa

Thursday, 3 March 2016

What about you and I:

The sun was made to shine and make us warm.  May we as well bring warmth and comfort to ourselves, family, friends, loved ones and a simple man on the street. The rain was made to fall. Without rain the earth is not the same, grass and trees won't grow as green as they should and produce what is required.
A fall can be a huge blessing sometimes, bringing you closer to where things are happening.
The wind was made to blow, and it helps us in removing dust from covering the earth in a worse way.
The waves were made to toss back and forth, constantly taking out dirty things out of the sea. The river was made to flow to the sea providing fresh water.
Every person has to be that flow to somebodies life and bring them refreshing. We live in a stress full world, the things we chase after, the food we eat, high noise and traffic can contribute negatively not only in your system but our health as well. You need that friend who will push you to take a walk, staircases than elevator or go to the gym with.
The night was made for the stars to shine. Not every dark cloud in your life carries bad news. Some if not all come for your own good. Don't die or giver in your dark situation of unemployment, dis functional marriage, sinful environment,  loosening a child or loved one, but shine.
The fire was made to burn, that's all it knows, to burn. Fire purify and renew, it cooks to to perfection. If you feel like you going through fire today, you are not being destroyer but given a new long life span, prepared for the highest table of kings and queens.
All these things are successful in their day and night duties.
Find out why you were created and pursue it with all your might, you will prosper and be successful in your purpose...
QB Mthethwa

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Time with South African Police Service

This was a day well spent with the South African Police Service(SAPS) Tsakane East Rand of Johannesburg. I was invited by the station commander on his lecture to motivate his member's. Some of the point I motivated the members with are,
1. Pray before you start your shift.
2. The force is your first family.
3. You dont have a job, but a calling.
4. There will never be a salary enough in exchange of your life.
5. Dont take a complement that undermine your fellow members.
I love talking to the members of the force and assure them that they are doing a great job.
I love my country South Africa, the best country in the world, love your country and do something about it too.

QB Mthethwa

Thursday, 25 February 2016

South Africa our land:

South Africa belongs to all who live in it......
As a young black man who experienced a good potion of apartheid, I'm glad to say it did not turn my heart inside out. We have a number of white people who are in denial about the effect of it towards black people. We also have a good number of black people who don't want to move from the after effect of apartheid, they always fall back on it when things does not go well, It has to stop.

#Zumamustfall and #killthewhites statements must stop now, we need to respect those in authority.

You don't have to be apologetic for being White in South Africa, and you don't have to be inferior as a Black person in your native land.

Political parties and agents of doom must stop using students to perpetrate act of vandalism and hooliganism in our beautiful country. Since when does student fight for University worker's who have unions representing them?
Can a sane student burn the same lecture hall that he has to attend on when everything is sorted?

 This is now obvious that a third hand that is aiming at driving away investors, perpetrate political unrest and paint a bad picture about SA is in action. Who cuts off his fathers hand because he needs bread. When your parents cant buy you new clothes at home do you break windows and doors? Is this a way to weakened our currency the Rand?

We need to stop being used by other people as puppets as they settle their score for political gain. When I donate blood, it is not marked black/white. Can it be that you are alive today because of a black man's blood and hate him so much? Can it be that you are running on a white man's blood while you hate them so much? We are connected one way or the other.

They are many white families who hired our mother and aunts, payed them salary, gave them their children's clothes for free, accommodated them in their back cottage free, took their children to school and paid the school fees, and bought them uniform and further took them to university. So we can not have a blanket approach when it comes to dealing with issues of the past.

Love always drives hate away
Light always drives darkness away
A rainbow needs all its colours
"Eye for an eye makes the world go blind" Mzwakhe Mbuli.
QB Mthethwa

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Customer service:

As a cashier, merchandiser, packer, team leader, store manager and all other departments in the store. What do you see when the doors open in the morning and the customers start walking in?.
Do you see somebody who thinks he or she is better than you,  do you see somebody who is coming to complain, do you see a person who is coming to show off?
Do you see a person who is living large, who wants to treat you like her maid or garden boy?
Do you see a Black, Coloured, Indian or a white person?
Is your service based on the dress code, hair style, famous TV personality or sports person, municipal worker?

To be a front of house is a privilege position ever, you will never know who you serving until you render excellent service or very poor service.
You have an opportunity to sell yourself to a big firm HR person who is coming to buy lunch, have a breakfast meeting or buy an out fit for herself.
You have a opportunity to serve breakfast, lunch or dinner to a company CEO.
You have an opportunity to ring a soft drink for a manager who is desperately looking to hire people.
You can be talking to a foreign citizen who is looking for a local business partner.
You could be talking to a young casting director looking for new faces for TV.
Take good care of that position and customers.God has put you there for a Divine appointment with the person who has what you need.
"Customer Service is not a department, it's an attitude" Zig Ziglar.
1. Put on your smile and a positive attitude, be neat and tidy your work space.
2. Always greet customers with a smile and ask if they have their grocery bags or they need one.
2. No two people are the same, don't expect me to be rude like the customer you just served.
3. Be at work and show up, mind, body and soul, and no one will spoil your day.
4. You current customer is your first priority, let your colleagues and everybody know.
5. Concentrate on your customer not your fellow packer.
6. Know your customer, know when to make a conversation and when not to do so.
7. Keep eye contact when confirming something with your customer.
8. Cash change, card and pen should be given on customers hand not slide it on the counter as if you avoiding contact with a dirty or sick person.
9. Advise a customer about a special he or she missed out on.
10. Thank your customer for doing business with you and ask them to call again...TBC
QB Mthethwa

Monday, 22 February 2016

Laf'elihle kakhulu...(Cry the beloved country)

What would you say if your son or daughter say to one of their siblings "get off your ASS and get your own juice? Do you as a parent ground that child and say, that's not how we talk in this house. What if I tell you that this is on Virgin TV add day and night.
What if he or she advances now and start calling them Bitch or use the F*** word, do you ground him or her? What if I tell you again that these have become common words on our TV, Generations Legacy, Scandal and others lately.
One can never safe guard children from TV and the languages that the regulatory comity have opened a tap on. For black families(SA) this is a disgrace and it give children grounds of challenging our house rules and behaviour. They say if this was a bad language or word, how come its on TV?
Once again, if the council of churches and all other human rights organisations are not challenging this profanity, they are failing us.
Time and again they omit the word God or Jesus on TV, but we have to close our ears when we turn on our TV set. I am not happy when my hard work of brininess children with Godly manners gets washed out just like that.....
QB Mthethwa

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Evil prevail for good man do nothing

 A letter to my President

*Let me not speak for everyone, but in the true sense of democracy of which our beloved country was founded up on, we have to let freedom of speech reign.
*Our parliament has more members who does not subscribe to Godly principles, hence they out vote the minority that wants to implement the correct humanity laws, they have stopped prayers in schools, abortions has become a normal thing on the street, punishment of children's has criminalised.
*Proverbs23:13-14 "spare the rod and spoil a child.
* Every street corner you are greeted by illegal posters of fly by night abortion clinics, the Gov is not doing much in tracking them down and closing those institutions.
* Our police have been turned to social worker's if not midwives, striped off every power you know a policeman to have. Criminals have more rights than police, they know very well when and how a police must shot. Police die with service pistols on their hips, they are not allowed to shot first. On the contrary criminals have no bullet to waste, shooting police like its going out of fashion.
*The SAPS and Metro police jobs were poverty alleviating jobs, many families are great today because one person in a family joined the force and was able to make a difference at home and community, for once a black family having a decent income. The person will be legible to take a loan and take his bothers and sister to college and university, that's how most black families escaped poverty and were able to better the townships and rural areas you see today. I am a statistic to that, my brother was in the police force and our family life was transformed. Today you need to have a drivers licence to obtain those jobs, are we opening doors for illegal licenses? Closing door for black man and woman who come from difficult background to rise, have we forgotten how we got better before?.  What about that family where there is nothing? their only hope is that child doing grade 12, where are they going to get money to do the licence for him/ her?
*School assembly and prayer are things of the past, hence teachers fear students more than criminals, learners attacks one another with guns and knifes in the school premises, something new and should not be happening in our democracy. I think it time then to bring the army or police to be teachers in schools, safety first. Children under the age of 10 can gang rape another minor during school hours.
*For as long as we say church and politics does not mix, we will suffer disgrace. Remember Chief Albert Luthuli, a father, a teacher, a minister of the word of God and an activist.  The church must rise and take it's political stand or say nothing about corruption.
* Our education system has been reduced to nothing, with the lowest passing mark in the ever, I don't think we really want to be globally competent. Our neighbours Zimbabwe and Swaziland have the best education system, our education system is still very close to the apartheid system that forced us blacks to study so we can get employed. We need more vocational schools than traditional schools. Why force me to seat and listen to theory when my skill can be found in the work shop, are you setting me up for failure. We were only taught how to draft a CV not a businesses plan, yet the Gov is dishing out money and pushing for us to be entrepreneurs. The Zimbabweans in SA are not begging for bread, they begging for jobs. Their education system prepares them to leave school at Gr 12 and be self employed as they are doing all over SA. They make a killing as they are self employed in plumbing, tilling, building, motor machines, carpenters, electricians.
 *Our housing projects needs a face lift or restructuring, to an unemployed person a free house means free electricity and free water, after that he is going to strike for service delivery and burn a library or clinic. How about building low cost descent house that we can pay for, to keep the rand revolving.
*Tender program leave people more in indebted than it found them, we were not taught to be business people but employees, and the gov still don't understand, instead of changing the education system, they want to inject more cash. I am an ANC card caring member, it is my duty to put my gov under pressure for the sake of my children. It's not about what the Gov can do for me, but what I can do for my Gov...QB Mthethwa

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Heart over Mind

An excellent boxer is the one who uses more brain/mind over the one who's emotions and his heart takes over the fight.
The best way of not buying a car you dont need,  just decline the offer to test drive it.
Most children/teens who have a problem staying single are the one's who are not doing well/failling at school. The A class student are wise enough to know that a boy or girlfriend will divide my mind and attention more than it has been divided by books.
It's always easy to be emotional than to think about a way out of a situation.
When a boy/girl say to an insecure/ D class child "you beautiful, I love you" they actually get  a sence of belonging and their mind simply seizes to function/ think and concentrate on finding ways and means to always appeal to the one who said they are beautiful. They will despise their parents/ guardians for that boy or girl who said they beautiful. Their half empty mind jumps and say here is a person coming to fill the void in me and top me up(pre paid).
They are the one's you will find in the street corners kissing, drinking in the public parks and paying no attention to elderly people.
The A class children might give a shocking answer, you will think they are full of themselves "what makes you think I dont know that" , 3D answer, lights out. They know that  they have something important in them, they might not know what it is because they young, but their mind quickly say " what do you want from me"?

As a child you only need to be sober all the time, becareful of messed up kids who does not want to go down the drain by them selves, but want to drag the D class, half empty minded you with them. Refuse to fill part of your life with relationship love when you cannot accomordate what you learning at school for your future.
Most of the kids think they are doing  their parents a favour, not knowing that your parents/ guardians are just a support system for you, they are more like wheels and you are the car, imagine a car without wheels, it can start but it's not going nowhere. How do you know all this? I was once young, half empty minded and stupid...
QB Mthethwa

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Our Children

I never thought I wil be saying this, I guess age has coughtup with me, the inevitable.
Our children think we were never young or their age. we know what they going through and it's not new.
A petty lie some times that was not necessary can discredit you from your parents
 Trust is earned, not bought, give me enough reasons not to trust you and I wont disapoint.
When you say to them, you not going out with friends I dont know, the get upset and devise schemes that will bite them before the end of that day.
When you see my child at the mall, whatapp me to say I see so and so at the mall, are u also around. I will never say you snooping around, but will apreaciate that somebody I know has seen and care about my child.

They have back packs with uniform or clothes to change, they leave home as going to soccer, ruby, hockey or netball game, and they know thats just a scapegoat.
Some parent would choose to be relevant to children and never say a word even when withnessing a wrong from children(it none of my business).

Back in the days it was a village's duty to raise a child.
As we get more and more western, there are basics that still works today that we need to keep and practice all the time for the better of our children...
QB Mthethwa

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Leadership and Organisation:

Two different things,  leadership is not the organisation but serves within the organisation for a particuler period of time. I may not agree with the strategy of the leadership but that does not mean I will abandon the organisation. Thats where succession plan is vitally important.

In the times of the greatest king of the Mthethwa tribe and the Nguni nation, they were people who did not agree with the vision of unity introduced by Dingiswayo, king Shaka's mento know as the Zulu nation today. Those people found themselves in Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Eastern Cape and all over, just like today you can find them in Australia.

When as an ambitious young man, Godongwane was expelled by his father and went to stay emampodweni (Eastern Cape), he refused to stay with his nativeves and went to stay with the whites so he can learn their language, cuture and art of war.

After his fathers death he returned to take his seat as a king, he called the surrounding kings to say I have seen what the white people have done in the Eastern Cape, they have fought and conquered many kings, so let us unite as the Nguni nation so that they wont defeat us, one tribe does not stand a chance but together we can win.

Thats how the Zulu/Nguni nations fought guns with bare hands and won.

Many bought into the Idea, those who did not were fought and brought back to be the subject of Dingiswa(his return name) the Nguni nation grow in number and was untouchable, until Dingiswayo's assassination by his great friend Zwide, and Shaka returned home KwaZulu to fight his brothers for his kingship and continued with the vision of his mento Dingiswayo hence we have the Zulu nation today.

My point is, the vision of the organisation continues even atfer the change in leadership occurs, it does not matter how that change comes about but the organisation always stand tall. The ANC is and will awlays be the oldest(104yrs) and loyay movement of the people, and South Africa will always be the best country in the world. We will lead and the rest will follow. Those who say the sky is falling must run for safety where they feel secured. We will continue building our beloved country brick by brick as the rainbow nation ...
QB Mthethwa

Friday, 12 February 2016

Small Dusty Street

The freeway does not lead to your destination, it takes you closer but far. Your life is nothing but free on it, no obstacles nothing, you keep left and pass right. Untill you click on that indicator and take an off ramp(Short left in South Africa) you still far from the real deal, yet close.
The small streets that takes you to your home, your business, your future has challenges, for the first time you see a stop street/ sign,  a robot, a zebra crossing, a taxi cuting before you, a far redused speed limit (School ahead), even smash and grab zones.

Your petience and determination will be tested. Our personal lives are not far from this reality. The path way that takes you to your dream is full of Job losses, I call it getting off the hiway, risk taking, I call that taxi pulling before you, stop, yield, school ahead, those are opportunities, it says observe, look left look right but keep going forward.

All of this can not be found on a free way because the freeway does not lead you to your destination, for you to reach your goal, you have to take that off ramp(Short left) and start mixing with people.
Come to think of it, are you aware that in the township people can talk while in their cars and moving at the same time, greet others, buy lose cigarate, get lose change and show love, far be it on the free way.
Gold is not found on the surface, you need to dig deep, get dirty in the dark for you to reach your goal. I realised this one thing very early in my life, that nothing ever come easy for me, I have to put on a fight all the time just like I'm doing now...
QB Mthethwa

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Life, I have God by my side

Life has given up on tormenting me, from a permanent position to a home manager, self employed buyer and sales man, still I have no time to sulk and hold on to what is gone.....
Actually, the little birdy told me that Life is organising to give back everything it took from me with interest for the past years it tryed to pin me down, and God made it rain and the pags could not hold firm and I rose.
He(Life) has spoken to his uncles Time and Chance to accompany him to present everything back to me.......what a pleasant suprise for them, however I knew this was coming.
In the news paper interview Life was quoted saying, "You cant curse what God has blessed" in a disapointed voice he said, "I give up, this God is a good parent"
Life was aiming to frustrate me and  make me lose hope, so I gave him a taste of his own medicine.
Incase you wondering how all this will unfold, rest asure
 You will be there alongside my panel of friends, testifiying, "we saw him selling bags and watches, he walked for km's to get to his clients when his car packed. We tried to fill pitty for him and he shouted at us and said "empty it, its not mine".
Please stay sweet and humble as you are when the Almighty put you in a pedestal, they said.
Thank you, I know those two darlings, Sweet and Humble, I will always keep them close to me...
QB Mthethwa