Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Yesterday is gone:

I was sick yesterday,
I was unemployed yesterday,
I was angry yesterday,
I was a nobody yesterday,
I was alone yesterday,
Yesterday is gone and it will never come again.
I was not loved and liked yesterday,
I was a sinner yesterday,
I was bankrupt yesterday,
I was homeless yesterday,
I was weak yesterday,
Yesterday is history that I can never rewrite.
I was high yesterday,
I was a drunkard yesterday,
I was an abuser yesterday,
I was reckless yesterday,
I was abused yesterday,
Yesterday was my dark cloud and today is my blue sky.
I was confused yesterday,
I was poor yesterday,
I was guilty yesterday,
I was unproductive yesterday,
I was selfish yesterday.
Yesterday lost his battle to today, because today I'm a new man.
Yesterday was when it all went down for the last time.
Yesterday I found myself at the cross roads of the Cross.
Yesterday Christ payed the price on the Cross.

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