Nor matter how expensive your dress/ suit is, nor matter how many coats you put on, you will always be naked in the eyes of a person you have slept with, including all those he/ she has told about your secret rumble in the jungle
Other people see Gucci, Armani, Hugo, Tlale, buttons and he/ she see muscles, curves, shades, tattoos, body scars, that walk of shame, courageous face, I shouldn't have been the victim after all I know laughter, how could I be so foolish look, you will never see this again attitude, close the door on your way out smile, how does the hunter becomes the hunted walk, so whats next glance, I'm not interested face, I'm stupid sigh.
Sin makes you smart before you commit it and show you how stupid you are after you have committed it.
Where would we be without the Grace Of God.
"what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them"? Psalm8:4
The evil one lost the battle at Calvary.
"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more". Isaiah43:25
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