Thursday 18 February 2016

Evil prevail for good man do nothing

 A letter to my President

*Let me not speak for everyone, but in the true sense of democracy of which our beloved country was founded up on, we have to let freedom of speech reign.
*Our parliament has more members who does not subscribe to Godly principles, hence they out vote the minority that wants to implement the correct humanity laws, they have stopped prayers in schools, abortions has become a normal thing on the street, punishment of children's has criminalised.
*Proverbs23:13-14 "spare the rod and spoil a child.
* Every street corner you are greeted by illegal posters of fly by night abortion clinics, the Gov is not doing much in tracking them down and closing those institutions.
* Our police have been turned to social worker's if not midwives, striped off every power you know a policeman to have. Criminals have more rights than police, they know very well when and how a police must shot. Police die with service pistols on their hips, they are not allowed to shot first. On the contrary criminals have no bullet to waste, shooting police like its going out of fashion.
*The SAPS and Metro police jobs were poverty alleviating jobs, many families are great today because one person in a family joined the force and was able to make a difference at home and community, for once a black family having a decent income. The person will be legible to take a loan and take his bothers and sister to college and university, that's how most black families escaped poverty and were able to better the townships and rural areas you see today. I am a statistic to that, my brother was in the police force and our family life was transformed. Today you need to have a drivers licence to obtain those jobs, are we opening doors for illegal licenses? Closing door for black man and woman who come from difficult background to rise, have we forgotten how we got better before?.  What about that family where there is nothing? their only hope is that child doing grade 12, where are they going to get money to do the licence for him/ her?
*School assembly and prayer are things of the past, hence teachers fear students more than criminals, learners attacks one another with guns and knifes in the school premises, something new and should not be happening in our democracy. I think it time then to bring the army or police to be teachers in schools, safety first. Children under the age of 10 can gang rape another minor during school hours.
*For as long as we say church and politics does not mix, we will suffer disgrace. Remember Chief Albert Luthuli, a father, a teacher, a minister of the word of God and an activist.  The church must rise and take it's political stand or say nothing about corruption.
* Our education system has been reduced to nothing, with the lowest passing mark in the ever, I don't think we really want to be globally competent. Our neighbours Zimbabwe and Swaziland have the best education system, our education system is still very close to the apartheid system that forced us blacks to study so we can get employed. We need more vocational schools than traditional schools. Why force me to seat and listen to theory when my skill can be found in the work shop, are you setting me up for failure. We were only taught how to draft a CV not a businesses plan, yet the Gov is dishing out money and pushing for us to be entrepreneurs. The Zimbabweans in SA are not begging for bread, they begging for jobs. Their education system prepares them to leave school at Gr 12 and be self employed as they are doing all over SA. They make a killing as they are self employed in plumbing, tilling, building, motor machines, carpenters, electricians.
 *Our housing projects needs a face lift or restructuring, to an unemployed person a free house means free electricity and free water, after that he is going to strike for service delivery and burn a library or clinic. How about building low cost descent house that we can pay for, to keep the rand revolving.
*Tender program leave people more in indebted than it found them, we were not taught to be business people but employees, and the gov still don't understand, instead of changing the education system, they want to inject more cash. I am an ANC card caring member, it is my duty to put my gov under pressure for the sake of my children. It's not about what the Gov can do for me, but what I can do for my Gov...QB Mthethwa

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