Thursday, 25 February 2016

South Africa our land:

South Africa belongs to all who live in it......
As a young black man who experienced a good potion of apartheid, I'm glad to say it did not turn my heart inside out. We have a number of white people who are in denial about the effect of it towards black people. We also have a good number of black people who don't want to move from the after effect of apartheid, they always fall back on it when things does not go well, It has to stop.

#Zumamustfall and #killthewhites statements must stop now, we need to respect those in authority.

You don't have to be apologetic for being White in South Africa, and you don't have to be inferior as a Black person in your native land.

Political parties and agents of doom must stop using students to perpetrate act of vandalism and hooliganism in our beautiful country. Since when does student fight for University worker's who have unions representing them?
Can a sane student burn the same lecture hall that he has to attend on when everything is sorted?

 This is now obvious that a third hand that is aiming at driving away investors, perpetrate political unrest and paint a bad picture about SA is in action. Who cuts off his fathers hand because he needs bread. When your parents cant buy you new clothes at home do you break windows and doors? Is this a way to weakened our currency the Rand?

We need to stop being used by other people as puppets as they settle their score for political gain. When I donate blood, it is not marked black/white. Can it be that you are alive today because of a black man's blood and hate him so much? Can it be that you are running on a white man's blood while you hate them so much? We are connected one way or the other.

They are many white families who hired our mother and aunts, payed them salary, gave them their children's clothes for free, accommodated them in their back cottage free, took their children to school and paid the school fees, and bought them uniform and further took them to university. So we can not have a blanket approach when it comes to dealing with issues of the past.

Love always drives hate away
Light always drives darkness away
A rainbow needs all its colours
"Eye for an eye makes the world go blind" Mzwakhe Mbuli.
QB Mthethwa

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