Thursday, 30 June 2016

A day well spent

A day well spent motivating students from various High Schools #Geluksdalhigh#Urekahigh. 1 Thank Mrs Peterson on the pic. 2Mr Peterson the Principal of Geluksdal Hihg School. My daughter Sbusisiwe Mthethwa on the gray hood sweater.3 All the students for lending me an ear.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

How great is our God

Nor matter how expensive your dress/ suit is, nor matter how many coats you put on, you will always be naked in the eyes of a person you have slept with, including all those he/ she has told about your secret rumble in the jungle

Other people see Gucci, Armani, Hugo, Tlale, buttons and he/ she see muscles, curves, shades, tattoos, body scars, that walk of shame, courageous face, I shouldn't have been the victim after all I know laughter, how could I be so foolish look, you will never see this again attitude, close the door on your way out smile, how does the hunter becomes the hunted walk, so whats next glance, I'm not interested face, I'm stupid sigh.

Sin makes you smart before you commit it and show you how stupid you are after you have committed it.
Where would we be without the Grace Of God.
"what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them"? Psalm8:4
The evil one lost the battle at Calvary.
 "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more". Isaiah43:25

Monday, 20 June 2016

Life does not need us we need it

Life is not hard, but it wants you to be counted amongst those credited for cracking its code. If life was easy you wouldn't be counted smart or intelligent. Life want those who dares to begin and it will also start unfolding the best for you.
You think life is hard when you inside, paying salaries and taking risks, try it from the out side where you earn a salary and it's never enough, bills on the phone chasing you and stress is ready to well come you.
With God things can happen at his command, but then you will be invisible, null and void.
Today we are able to say you build London bridge, designed Sandton Mall(JHB) or stature of liberty(NY)
Life is not hard, it's just want to credit you with a marit.....

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

This means WAR

I've been hurting and I'm still hurting and bleeding inside. The world we live in wants me to give up on you and hand you over to the government. Unfortunately you are my child and I am your parent, we can't and can never give up on each other.
Drugs have taken over you, alcohol keeps you warm and cigarette keeps you thinking. I have to hide things in the house, I can't leave money laying around like I did when you were 5yrs of age.
You have become our own Gumtree, sometimes OLX or letgo. You rob your own home like a thief and bite the hand that feeds you, to support and feed this demon inside of you.
Well!!!, I guess "This means WAR"
I am not going or about to give up on you, as this is the time you need me even more than before.
I have rolled my sleeves to work with you and show you the way to the right direction.
Life is complicated and we are all doing our best.
I will fight side by side with you, and even fight with you sometimes just to bring the point across to your sanity.
Indeed!! I guess "This means WAR"
I want you to dream without the help of a substance.
I want you to have positive vision of your life and do something to get there.
I am your present visible help that God has made available for you.
The world makes you think I'm your no1 enemy and I want to control your life.
It is double selfish to indulge yourself and abuse cheap/ expensive drugs and alcohol, because had I your parent chose the same selfish way, you wouldn't be here or be born.
My little girl, man are sexual being and that's all they want from you.
You dress to kill just to impress a blesser, where did my little girl go?
you sleep through out the day only to be nocturnal. Well I guess "This means WAR"
This is a good fight I am prepared to fight as I don't want to fail on the assignment God trusted me with, to bring you up and show you direction.