Tuesday 31 May 2016

Hard work will beat talent if talent does not work hard

I'm talented but I choose to work hard, for hard work never killed anyone. People are always attracted to talent because it's a natural ability, but a person who work hard will always have more than a person relying on talent only . Hard work build endurance and stamina, it has memories that money can not buy, it teaches you to value the work of your hands.
Talent make you shine as an Ace, it puts you on a pedestal and be a people pleaser Jabu (Shuffle) Mahlangu, Scara Ngobese.
Success is 99% perspiration,  meaning even if you are talented,  you still need to work hard. Lionel Messie trains 5/6 days a week,  yet he is one of the greatest talents ever.  Ronaldo has a mini soccer field at his back yard where he continues to practise his free kicks and all,  once again he is talented. Do not let people's applause fool you,  keep on working hard for your goals.
Friends will keep you occupied during the day when they never sleep at night to make sure they are above you. Nobody wants to be second after you,  hence they make you think they not working,  so you can also relax while they cook your killer punch on the diaphragm, that will make you stop breathing for minute.

Hard work will beat talent if talent does not work hard "Zig Ziglar"
qbmthethwa2. blogspot. co. za

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Rock Bottom

It's where the devil talks more about you and how you should get comfortable where you are, in that dark cell.
It is also where God is quietly in action, his hand pulling you out and leading you to the light where you belong.
God spoke light to be in Genesis1 and it was, when the devil was not even born, so if he is the prince of darkness, that means he was defeated before he was conceived,  how sad.
When you slip from the hand of God, it's a reminder that you not in charge or independent.
By slipping I mean only front wheels beyond white line and not crossing on red light, that's fatal.
By slipping I mean knocking the rubber pole with your pumper and not writing the car off the cliff.
Life, business, career, spouse, children, peers will always challenge the ground you standing on.
Rock bottom is a snippet of where the enemy wants you to spend the rest of your life, but God has a better place for you because you are not your own.
Have you notice how the sight of a bed at the furniture store or somebodies home reminds you of your own bed, and suddenly wish you were home so you can kick of your shoes and relax? Amazingly you don't jump to it because you know yours awaits at home, where you not limited by operating hours or duration of visitation.

Monday 9 May 2016

A Tow Truck

When a bus is stuck on the sand, it can never pull itself out. Every time the driver try to drive out, it sinks even more. Some may try to put rocks and bricks on it's wheels, only to see them break and sink in the sand too. The rocks will buy you time that can not be recovered, they raise false hope of success.
It is in a situation like that where you need a tow truck.
A tow truck knows that it has to keep a distance from the place where the bus is stucked. It only need to connect the towing cable.
The tow truck has more power than the bus that it is pulling out.
The tow truck has to be standing on a solid ground.

That's what Jesus did in our lives, he come as a tow truck. He tow us from situations that he never led us into. He understand each and every time we try to help ourselves, we get deeper and deeper in our unpleasant situations. Jesus is always standing on a firm foundation, the word of God. He is the rock the builders rejected. Any house that is built on the rock has a stable foundation and structure.
Without Jesus we would still be stuck in our sins and bad habits...