Don't give up, the world has its own system and you are one of the few working against it. remember that the only thing you were taught at school was to do a colourful CV not a business plan or proposal, frustration is bound to be at its best because you are trying something that is not on your system, its driving an tiptronic when you are used to driving a manual pedal shift car, you cant help edge of wanting to use both feets and changing gears.
The write of the book of Ecclesiastes articulates it clearly in chapter 9:11
" The race is not to the swift or battle to the strong,
nor does food comes to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned;
but time and chance happen to the all".
A chance may happen to a 9-5 person but he will hardly embrace it, unlike you, the chance is what you have been waiting for, and when it happens, those who don't know your struggle, call you lucky not knowing how far behind you come from in life.
I will always look for an opportunity to be generous in my quest to find fortunes.
I will do my best in the small opportunities I am getting now.
I have a social responsibility and I am not going to turn my back on it.
I am teaching my children to look for opportunities to be employers than to be employed.
I wont give-Up, please do not.............