Saturday, 21 October 2017

How to win friends and influence people

I shall pass this life but once; any good, there fore, that I need to do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now.
Let me not defer nor neglet it, for I shall not pass this way again.
"Dale Carnegie"

* As a child you head that your parent is not well but you said "I will go see them when I have money, when I am not busy, or next week after my friends party.
- Only for them to pass away before you do.

* You procrastinate telling your siblings, spouse and children that you love them, they actually leave your presence without you kissing them good bye.
- Only for them not to return home forever one day.

* You see the naked but you don't clothe them, you ignor the beggars at the robbot, you see the hungry and you don't feed them.
- How do you forget so soon that you were once naked, hungry, and needy at one point in time?

* Never miss an opportunity to do good, it might be your last, you may never see the person again or the person may never see you ever.
-  But your guilty conscience will never give you rest for not doing what is good and humane.

Life has no guarantees, don't allow time, money and commitments stop you from doing good, lest you never forgive yourself for not seizing that moment.

(A story of my life)
I once drove from Johannesburg to Durban on a half tank, empty wallet and children at the back seat to see my mother at the hospital. Half way through, petrol did the obvious, children were hungry and I had to call on friends, after few declines God was on my side and a brother came through. The money was enough to filled the tank, feed the kids and tollgates.

We spend a Sunday with her(My Mother), she looked beautiful as ever, we said a prayer as we prepared to drive back on family contributions. I paid back every borrowed money on my return. Unfortunately that was the last time I spoke to her as she passed on few days after.
Was I going to heal her?  The answer is no, however I was going there to heal myself. "QB"

I could not let Money, Time and commitments stop me from doing right.
Today I sleep peacefully, because I went against the odds for the right reasons.

I said to myself:
"Let me not defer nor neglet it, for I shall not pass this way again".

Now the ball is in your court, how long are you going to keep grudges........

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